How to survive a terror attack, the do’s and don’ts [infographic]

With today’s global tensions and upsurge of widespread terrorist assaults, one must practice caution and stay as informed as possible to minimize risk.

The following article and infographic will help you learn what some of these scenarios and actions are, and how to protect oneself in such extreme situations.

Bomb Threat or Attack: Do’s and Don’ts

In a bomb threat scenario, you want to take your belongings with you, as in the explosion’s aftermath the assortment of scattered identifying items makes police work more difficult.

Stay away from windows because they can shatter and slash you and the force of explosion may push you out of the window. If you find yourself trapped, you want to stay away from edges; you want to distance yourself from the bomb, relocate to a central position in the building, and hide beneath something that can hold the weight of the collapsing ceiling.

If it’s a suicide bomber’s assault, flee from the area and stay cut off from the crowd. Terrorists, when engaging in acts of urban warfare against civilians, are always trying to kill the largest group of people.

Gun Attack: Do’s and Don’ts

During a gun attack, the highest priority is not getting shot. Ensuring your safety and choosing the wisest strategy, however, will require an understanding of the context.

Whatever you do, do not provoke the attacker, do not run into their line of sight, and do not play dead. Most authorities on counter-terrorist self-defense agree that running is wiser than laying still and holding your breath.

CBRN Attack: Do’s and Don’ts

A CBRN attack is a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear attack.

After you survive a CBRN attack, the first thing you must do is decontaminate yourself. Careful! Do not scrub, scratch or press the skin. Doing so will result in the pathogen’s immersion in your dermis and the path from the subcutaneous tissues to your circulation is short.

After you are done decontaminating yourself, take everything you came into touch with – your phone, your keys, your clothes, the soap’s bottle, etc. – drive it to the farthest, most depopulated area in your surroundings, and burn it. This will ensure no other potential hosts will contract the hazardous contents of the chemical agent.

Following these do’s and don’ts can save lives. However, you should remember to always practice caution and calculation and adapt to circumstances. Different scenarios beg for a different course of action which you can see in the infographic below. For the Dutch version of this infographic click here.

How to survive a terror attack

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